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2022/2023 Model Rep Information 

I am so excited to continue the 12 by Golightly's  Model Rep team program! I am looking for incoming high schoolers that enjoy making new friends, having fun, and are excited to be part of something special!  As a Model rep, you will have the chance to participate in fun group photo shoots, have individual portraits, as well as having your images featured on Instagram, Facebook, my website, and marketing materials.   If this sounds like something you would love to do, check out the details below!

What is a Model Rep?

A model rep is a full time high school student (9th-12th grades in the 2022-2023 school year) who enjoys being in front of a camera and will share images on social media to help promote 12!

What do I get for being a Rep?


You will get to participate in multiple group shoots as well as getting individual headshots at each group session.  You will be able to download 5 images from each session you attend to share on social media and print for your keepsake memories. 

What is required of me?

You will be asked to attend at least two of the group shoots (scheduled most likely on Sunday afternoons) and share your images and experiences on social media.  And have LOTS OF FUN!  That's it!  Easy peasy, right?!?!

What is the fee?

The sitting fee for being a model rep for the 2022-2023 class is only $150.    There will also be a discount for siblings-  they can be added on for only $75! 



Be a full time high school student for the 2022-2023 school year.


You or your parent have a social media account.


SHARE your images on your social media account AND tag @12byGolightly.


Be able to attend at least two group shoots.


Pay the sitting fee.


Be the FIRST to sign up in your class and you will receive an extra 5 images to download for each session!  


Ready to join the Model Team?  Please fill out the information below and I will contact you within 48 hours to send you the detailed information for the future shoots and get you signed up!

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