Senior portraits are so much fun and I am loving adding these to my business! Savannah is a student at Wylie High School and hopes to attend Texas A&M University. She has been chosen to participate in my Model Rep program! While portraits are not new to my photography business, I am looking to work more with high school students and with that I am building a Model Rep team. So, what is included in the Model Rep program? Well, I plan to do several shoots throughout the year, including group shoots and individual portraits. I’m looking for high school students who are active at their school, who are fun, and who don’t mind being in front of a camera! 📷 If you think you or your high school student might be interested in participating in this program, please contact me here. I am currently planning the 2018-2019 team and would love to add some students to the program from Wylie and the surrounding area. It’s going to be a lot of fun and they will get soooooo many great pictures! I hope to hear from you soon!
